
St. Joseph and Jesus Statue

The mission of a Catholic parish is to be a community of persons united in the Lord to be God’s people ministering to one another, as well as to those around them. The task of serving the parish community is the work of the entire parish under the leadership of the pastor. Together with his parish staff and the members of the parish’s councils and committees, the pastor works in a spirit of unity with these groups to provide the ministries and programs that serve both the mission of the parish and the missions of the archdiocesan church and the universal church.

Parish Council

The Parish Council assists the pastor in the overall planning and decision-making for the parish. It helps formulate a parish vision, express parish concerns, and offer ideas for improvement and enrichment of parish life. The Council promotes the spiritual growth of the parish community and plans ways for the parish to carry out the mission of the church.

Finance Council

The Finance Council advises the pastor on development and management of parish resources in order to judiciously carry out the parish’s mission of spreading the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. The members are selected because of their expertise in general business management, finance and law. Their responsibilities include oversight of the parish accounting system and the development of the annual budget.

Health Ministries

The Health Ministry is largely comprised of parish health care professionals who carry out the mission of the church by promoting wellness through education and service.

Ministry to the Homebound

Parishioners who are homebound and unable to attend Mass are brought Holy Communion by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This outreach of care and support to the elderly and/or sick of our parish nourishes the person with the Body of Christ and provides a visible connection to our parish community.

Pro-Life Committee

The Pro-Life Committee works to bring about a conversion of heart and mind that all might recognize the dignity of human life and embrace the abundant life to which we are all called. We hold to the Church’s firm conviction of the dignity of each and every human life, created in the image and likeness of God.

Social Committee

The Social Committee organizes social gatherings to promote community by sharing a meal and fellowship together. They plan the parish picnic, pot luck dinners, and monthly coffee and donuts.

Vocations Committee

The Vocations Committee strives to create an atmosphere of vocation awareness by catechizing the parish faithful on what it means to serve the church through a religious calling.

Works of Mercy Committee

Jesus challenges us to perform the Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and imprisoned, and bury the dead.  The Work of Mercy Committee works to meet this challenge.

Facilities and Grounds Committee

The Facilities and Grounds Committee provide guidance and direction in maintaining and enhancing the parish facilities and grounds.